Sunday 30 August 2015

30th August. Livinhac le Haut

I left Conques and had a steep ascent out of the valley that took over an hour.
At a point where the GR65 splits I met up with a French woman and we walked the rest of the day together. It was mainly ridge walking on quiet roads intil a big descent to Decazeville.
I've noticed that the route often goes to a cross or chapel only to descend again. I've walked the more level way to miss these out, saving over an hour sometimes. Today there were 2 such occaisions. My companion was so grateful she offered to buy me dinner. Unfortunately, when we got to the campsite, they had no rooms available, so she had to walk into the village.
I'm camped by the river Lot and it"s 33, scorcio !
Tomorrow"s forecast is the same temperatures with thunder and rain later

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