Sunday 29 March 2015

Day3 Castillo Castellar 18.4 miles

A long uphill plod on a road to re-enter the Alconcores. Lovely walking that ended up at a huge refuse site that was a great attraction for hundreds of birds. Most common were Egrets, but also Vultures, Storks, & Black Kites.
A few miles more & it was road walking for the rest of the day, not so good on a hot day like today.
I'd got a blister on my left foot, whkich I threaded a little dental floss through to keep draining any fluid build-up.
I'd planned on a wild camp before Castillar. When I took the track into the hills, after 1k the wah was blocked by a huge pair of gates. That wasn't on my map !
So back to road-walkiing.
When a motorist asked if  I was going to Castillar & then did I want a lift ......
So here I am. Tomorrow I'll reaquInt myself with the place. I'm spending the night in a little open sided chapel that's out of the wind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great stuff terry...enjoying this blog!!